Thursday, November 10, 2016

Sudden Decrease in My Happy Hormones

I was happy last night because I was able to eat in a posh restaurant, Mary Grace, which was part of my bucket list. I dined out with a new priest friend who just finished his report that day in our masters’ class. It’s nice to have a breather from all the tiring and worrisome experiences I’ve had lately.

Today I’m a little overwhelmed with all my tasks at hand – I still need to write one more feature article for our Valenzuela Ngayon magazine, I have to do editing stuff for the same, I need to pay attention to my tedious qualitative research, I have to review for my upcoming exam, my daughter’s celebrating her second birthday on Monday (which is also my examination day for my MA) but I haven’t prepared anything for her because there are still bills to pay, etc.

I want to buy a humongous CHOCOLATE without hurting my tooth.

I’m trying to recall how to be a person of gratitude again so that I could concentrate on things that matter over little concerns that can be ignored anyway. I need peace of mind.
Perhaps my drained disposition today is because I lack sleep due to the loud snoring of my brother and my daughter’s repeated wailings last night.


I’m wearing my bloody red lipstick now. I’m about to finish this blog in a few. I promise to reward myself with sweets after lunch. And I’m hoping that my good friend Tim will meet me later for some intellectual exchange of thoughts.

Dear Friday, I’m lazy today but please be good to me.

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